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    Latest Releases & News

January, 2011


Module for BWS 4.X/5.X in German language.

This Bible course is based on the teaching materials used at Bible school Burgstädt and is part of a multi-part series. The module CD contains BWS 5.1.1 Special.

December, 2010

BibleWorkshop V
Update Version 5.1.1

Some smaller bugs are fixed.

September, 2010

BibleWorkshop V
Update Version 5.1.0

Finally the long-awaited update is released!
This version provides a new feature: Color and Text annotations. The bug in wikipedia plug-in is fixed.

January, 2010

XML books

The team released 59 volumes (over 18 000 pages!) of Bibles and christian books after scanning, OCR and XML coding of the text.

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