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    About BibleWorkshop EOOD


Company facts

Bible Workshop EOOD was established in 2000 as a subsidiary of Troyer Information Systems Ltd. with the aim to develop and support our program BibleWorkshop. We started with a small team of four people dedicated to the idea of spreading the Bible and Christian literature in computer readable form.

During the first 5 difficult years we worked hard to make the program and it's modules popular among german and french speaking christians. With the strong support of Christian publishers such as CV-Dillenburg, CLV and Maison de la Bible our program was provided to more than 40,000 users. More than 100 Bible commentaries, dictionaries, atlases and evangelisation materials were issued.

In 2005 the author and main developer of BibleWorkshop - Karl-Heinz Troyer - proposed a cardinal change in the development platform of BibleWorkshop - Eclipse based plug-in technology. In the next 2006 the new BibleWorkshop V was born.

Because of it's plug-in architecture the new version allows development and easy integration of many different additions: BibleWorkshop 4.X driver, SWORD driver, Wiki plug-in, Text and Color annotations system, etc.

Encouraged from the new horizons we plan to expand the program distribution to other languages as well as to new operating systems such as MAC OSX and Linux.

Our mission

The best advertising of one product is: satisfied and enthusiastic users. And that's what we want to achieve.
We would be delighted if our customers exclaim as the Psalmist:

I rejoice at thy word, As one that findeth great spoil.
(Ps 119:162)


    Latest Releases & News

January, 2011


Module for BWS 4.X/5.X in German language.

This Bible course is based on the teaching materials used at Bible school Burgstädt and is part of a multi-part series. The module CD contains BWS 5.1.1 Special.

December, 2010

BibleWorkshop V
Update Version 5.1.1

Some smaller bugs are fixed.

September, 2010

BibleWorkshop V
Update Version 5.1.0

Finally the long-awaited update is released!
This version provides a new feature: Color and Text annotations. The bug in wikipedia plug-in is fixed.

January, 2010

XML books

The team released 59 volumes (over 18 000 pages!) of Bibles and christian books after scanning, OCR and XML coding of the text.

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